Friday, June 8, 2012

Its Friday!
This morning was the last Friday that I will be sitting in that treatment chair, hooked to a machine via two large needles in my arm. It feels so good to say that. For so long, there has been no light at the end of the tunnel. I've just accepted that being on kidney dialysis is my "normal." Its what I have to do to stay alive. And I definitely want to be alive.

Next Friday I will be out of surgery and hopefully having a fully functioning kidney. My new kidney will be working so hard - trying to clean out years worth of waste built up in my body. I am incredibly nervous - there are so many "what ifs." What if something happens before the transplant? What if the kidney doesn't work? What if, what if, what if.

If these last four years have taught me anything, it is that you can't dwell on the What Ifs. I have learned (with the help of my incredible husband Brian) that you cannot change what you cannot control. It has been a hard lesson, as I really like to control things. But my kidney failure was beyond my control. When my new kidney came was beyond my control. I've had to learn to let go and take what comes my way - good or bad. There has been a whole lot of bad - but now...the good has arrived. Thank goodness!

I am so overwhelmed by the amount of support that's out there. Friends, family and strangers alike are sending me well wishes and their positive vibes. Its incredible.
My little announcement video has over 700 views on youtube - that is so cool. I wanted to tell everyone at once and just didn't think I could formulate the right words - video is excellent for that.

Love and kidneys,

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