Tuesday, July 31, 2012

And...We're Working!

Yup...EK is still working. I feel so lucky to have a rockstar kidney. Last Creatinine level (the amount of waste in your blood) was .98. For your information, "normal people" have creatinine levels of .5 to 1.0mL, so my one transplanted kidney is working as well as...well, YOUR TWO! Rockstar kidney for sure!

The last couple of weeks have been pretty good for me. I was having some residual pain over the incision, but it was mostly just the nerves reorganizing themselves - it wasn't so much as pain, but feeling like I had a rash or burn. That sensation has faded and I feel really great. I have some swelling in my abdomen still, which makes my work pants a little uncomfortable. And my energy level is still pretty low - walking around the block gets me pretty winded. I'm hopeful that I can soon start regular exercise and that will help not only the energy level, but also help get rid of the swelling.

This past weekend, Brian and I took the kids to our annual Lake Weekend with Brian's college friends. We've gone the last six years and it is always a fun weekend. This year was of course significant for me, for several reasons. First and foremost, this weekend was what I've been looking forward to since my transplant. I knew it would take time to heal and I knew that six weeks after my transplant I would be feeling good. I just kept saying to myself, I feel awful now, but when Lake Weekend gets here, I'll feel great. And I did. We had so much fun, even though I didn't go out on the boat. My skin is pretty sensitive to the sun and being out in the heat for just a few minutes exhausts me. So I got to stay in, relax, read and play with all the babies that have started to join us. Did I mention that our friend Brian fashioned a kidney skiing out of rice krispie treats?

Sunset at the Lake

So for those of you that don't know, today was my first day back at work. I have been sooo ready to go back to work - excited to see my stellar co-workers and start using my brain again. Six weeks of resting, healing and watching mind-numbing daytime television may have caused my brain to be put on pause. I'm ready to recharge and start my new "normal." A normal life that includes me feeling great and not having to deal with dialysis. Work went well. I feel pretty out of the loop...in the six weeks I was gone, our department moved locations, we hired 5 or 6 new people and got our second batch of summer interns. So I'm feeling pretty disconnected, but hopefully I can get right back into the swing of things.

Tomorrow is my first clinic appointment at Barnes. All my labs have been good, so I'm looking forward to a nice, easy appointment. I get labs once a week instead of twice and soon, it will go down to every other week and then monthly. I honestly keep waiting for someone to say "just kidding" and that I have to go back to a life with dialysis. I am so hopeful that this kidney lasts me long enough to "forget" what a life on dialysis is life.

Love and Kidneys,

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